Jokes Galore: A Listicle of Laughs!

Jokes Galore: A Listicle of Laughs!

  1. Why don't reptiles ever tell secrets?
    Because they all have scaly reputations!

  2. What do you call a lizard that sings?
    A raptile!

  3. Why did the snake break up with its partner?
    It just couldn't rattle on anymore!

  4. What’s a reptile’s favorite movie genre?
    Hiss-terical comedies!

  5. Why don't crocodiles ever play cards?
    Because they're afraid of cheetahs!

  6. What do you get when you cross a snake with a pie?
    A python filling!

  7. Why did the iguana go to the party?
    It wanted to get a little iguana-on!

  8. Why don’t alligators make good detectives?
    Because they’re always in de-nile!

  9. What’s a reptile’s favorite snack?
    Lizard-ade and chamele-nachos!

  10. Why did the turtle cross the road?
    To get to the shell station!

  11. How do snakes clean their car windows?
    With a winds-hiss-er!

  12. What do you call a reptile that starts fights?
    An instigator!

  13. What’s a gecko’s favorite superhero?
    Spiderman—because they both stick to walls!

  14. Why don’t snakes use social media?
    They can’t stop hiss-ing people off! 

I need to ssstop im just to good at thisssssssssssss!


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