Refund policy

Refunds and Exchanges

Not satisfied with your product? You can return it to us within 60 days provided:

  • It has not been used
  • It is still in the original packaging

The customer is responsible for the return postage cost and ensuring that the returned product reaches us in the correct condition. If it is damaged during the return we will offer a partial refund. Once we have received the returned item, we will refund the customer.

If an item is damaged we will refund or replace. We sometimes request a photo of the damaged item by email, and we may ask for the item to be returned. If the item is found to be faulty we will replace or refund. If the item is not faulty the customer is liable for the delivery cost to us and back again.

Alternatively, you can exchange a product by emailing us ( with the details. If you wish to exchange an item that has been correctly supplied you will have to pay the return postage; where an item has been supplied incorrectly or arrived damaged we will pay the return postage.

If you aren't sure or have a question you can contact us by email or phone.